Write My Essay UK

General Essay Writing Tips For UK Students

Without denying the fact that Shakespeare said, ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’. However, a pen alone cannot make a person an effective writer. We might think of ourselves taking the position of Shakespeare, inspiration is the key, not the complete guide to an effective essay.

Students, at any stage of their academic career, often complain that the worst part of English is writing an essay. This is due to the lack of confidence. With practice and some of the tips discussed in this blog, you will gain confidence that will maximize your English and be ready to show off. We take you on the journey of three stages, planning, writing, and reflecting. So let’s get started.

Strategies for drafting an engaging essay


Read through the question

There will be either a list of readings attached with the essay topic or you need to address the topic thoroughly to find relevant information. Make sure that you do it. This will help in structuring the essay and lead a direction so you can successfully answer the question that the instructor is asking. You can use different colors to highlight the key information according to its demands. For instance, circle the word count for the essay with one color and the formatting requirements of the file with a different color. These color highlights will make the process easy for you. You can visit them while you are engaged in the writing process.

Read and analyze the writing styles

Extensive reading is another strategy that can improve your writing skills. By engaging yourself in different writing styles and genres, you can learn unique techniques and approaches to writing. If you need access to different topics that align with your essay topic but are unable to access them, you can get guidance from services like Write My Essay UK or Paper Writing Services. They will provide you with those papers that are beyond your reach.

As you read through, pay attention to the way writers structure their arguments. The language they use to deliver their point is important. This will lead you to engage your targeted audience. Incorporate those elements in your writing style and improve your writing skills. 

Brainstorm your ideas

When you have addressed the question properly and collected all the details, it is time to align all that knowledge in a logical series. For this, you can make use of techniques like mind mapping or a flowchart. Make a list of all the vocabulary that you want to add to the content making it engaging. Remember, the vocabulary should be reader-friendly. Using complex words will lose the essence of your essay and the reader will miss the humanized part.

Plan your structure

Before officially starting the writing process ensure you have a basic structure. This can include details as much as you will. But make sure that it contains your introduction pointers, your key arguments and points, and a planned conclusion. Try making the plan on flashcards so you can arrange them in a logical flow as the plan develops. At this stage, ask for services like do my assignment for me UK or assignment writing help to check for the pointers that you are going to add to your essay.



You cannot start a conversation without introducing yourself. The same applies for the essay. The first paragraph should introduce the key arguments, covering a bit of the context and the key issues of the question. Later, you can provide detailed explanations in future paragraphs. Now it depends on you when you write the introduction paragraph. Some people prefer writing it at the end of their essay.

Structure your argument

As you craft your body paragraphs, ensure that each point you add has strong evidence. You can use statistics or quotes you gather during your reading to support the argument. You can also add the arguing points. Keep maintaining the reference list of the sources throughout the writing process. Adding content without encouraging the main author can result in plagiarism.  

Draft a conclusion

This is the last chance to summarize your argument and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Make sure that you recap all the key points and arguments that are made in your essay. Don’t forget to add supporting evidence if needed. Make sure that you are not introducing any new ideas in the conclusion.

Make sure you are using essay voice

This is not something new. Each university, college, and school has its own set of rules. However, you should always try to use a neutral and professional tone when writing an assignment. Try refraining from using slang, and overly-familiar phases.


Check for mistakes

Bravo! You have successfully written your essay. If you have followed your set schedule, you will have time to keep aside your draft. Keep away from it for a few days; till then, enjoy reading something new or chilling. When you will return and read your assignment. You can easily spot mistakes and issues. Fix them to avoid losing marks or get help from services like do my homework UK or home tutor UK. They will go through your content and check for mistakes. 

Add all the sources

Last but not least, making a list of bibliographies is important. This is a key skill that you need to master when writing an assignment. For the referencing style, check the guidelines of the institution.

Ask for feedback

Feedback is an important part of essay writing skill development. Till you will be able to know your strong and weak points, you cannot improve. Share your work with others and ask them to review it. Later, listen to their honest opinions and suggestions. Apply them for improvement.

These suggestions will help you identify your loose poles, and you can overcome your challenges through their valuable sights. Additionally, be open to accept all sorts of criticisms and use them as an opportunity to learn and grow as a writer.

The final comment

Now that you know the bigger picture and the tips to write an essay with excellence, choose the best practices and achieve your academic goals.

You can help your fellow students in generating high-quality writing and projects by keeping these qualities and concepts in mind. Remember! Assignment writing is a flexible action. Everyone uses different techniques and approaches to achieve goals. So choose yours that works best. 

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